Welcome to the Yucatan to New Orleans Expedition by Sea
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Arthur Published Feature Article in See expedition commentary on See Latest
Information Page for He Made It! Arthur used an Eddyline "Wind Dancer" Sea Kayak: Length: 17 feet; Beam: 24 inches; Volume: 14.6 c.f. with a 450lb capacity; Material: Kevlar and Fiberglass. Approximate Path Other Accomplishments: Reason for this expedition: To increase the public's awareness of Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis (JRA), JRA is a disease which can cause severe joint deformations in children. JRA is close to Arthur's heart because his 19 year old daughter, Nichole, was diagnosed with it when she was 9. "I'm hoping to make more parents aware of this disease and its symptoms. I want them to know if their child experiences pain, they can't just pass it off as growing pains but must get it checked out." Arthur Hebert, Jr. Click Here For More Juvenile
Rheumatoid Arthritis Information. |Latest Information|JRA
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An in honor of his daughter Nichole who suffers from Arthritis.