arthur logo.gif (13460 bytes)

During Photos
Up Departure Photos During Photos Arrival Photos Return Trip Photos

Some Shots During the Expedition . . .

kayak.jpg (15967 bytes)

Many Days of Confused Seas
with a ship in the distance Arthur's biggest danger . . .

waves & ship.jpg (10151 bytes)

One of Arthur's Fine Feathered Friends . . .
fine feathered friend.jpg (9944 bytes)

Just a few of Arthur's underwater friends . . .
underwater friends.jpg (11296 bytes)

More of his Brothers of the Sea . . .
more of sea bros.jpg (11525 bytes)

He knows now land is near (only 82 miles) . . .

land is near.jpg (10366 bytes)
20 Days at sea -
Barnacles & Crustaceans Started Growing on Stern & Rudder. . .

20 days.jpg (8793 bytes)

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